Dyere Tek Organisation

Empowering Communities,

Improving Quality of Life.

We challenge men and boys to use their power positively and choose non-violence

Our programs

To improve quality of life and social cohesion among
community members in Acholi sub-region and beyond.

Health Program

Our health programming focuses on health promotion, disease prevention and wellness in the area of Community Health, HIV/AIDs Prevention, and Reproductive Health programs focusing on keeping people healthy.

Education Program

In order to build strong foundations for learning for children, DTO uses cost-effective models for early learning and pre-primary education, with a bias towards the girl child, children with disabilities and other disadvantaged children.

Livelihoods Program

Our livelihoods approach is two pronged in nature, but both sides of the approach are based on the principle of supporting people to help themselves, and on our mission to enhance resilience and self-sufficiency in communities that are under served.

Protection Program

Our protection work is about advocating for and supporting actions that aim to reduce and prevent children’s, women’s, girls’ and disadvantaged groups’ exposure to risks and to ensure respect for the rights of individuals …

Partnership Program

The work we do is deeply rooted in our unique partnership with the communities serve taking leadership of the work; we provide guidance and capacity support. They are known to us as People Institutions (PIs) recognizing that they are not beneficiaries to us…

Our Areas of Operations

DTO operates in Gulu City, Gulu, and Nwoya districts in addressing health needs, human rights, and livelihoods concerns amongst the poorest of the poor, vulnerable and marginalized populations in target locations of operation. In the next six years (2023 – 2029), DTO will expand operations to cover the districts of Amuru, Omoro, Pader, Kitgum, Lamwo and Agago, as permitted by the National NGO Bureau.