Dyere Tek Organisation

About us

Empowering Communities, Improving Quality of Life

Historical Background and Evolution of DTO.

Back in 1991, at the height of the AIDS scourge in Uganda, 25 adults (13F and 12 M) who tested HIV positive in Gulu district, declared their positive HIV status and formed a community group called Dyere Tek, with the aim to support each other, resolving to live positively, amidst the then heightened trend of stigmatization against persons living with HIV/ AIDS. With the support of Gulu Main Hospital, the group was trained in community counseling, and in awareness raising, in order to promote voluntary HIV testing and open positive living for those testing positive, and acceptance and support from family and community members towards them, as well as to promote government programmes on prevention of the spread of the disease.

Between 1991 and 1997, the group continually gained strength and momentum, and worked tirelessly to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDs among the community members. In 1997, the group formally registered as a Community Based Organization under the name of Dyere Tek (PLWA) with the Uganda Government National Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Board, under registration number S.5914/2092 and renewed its Registration Certificate and Operation Permit every five years: 2001; 2007; 2011 and 2017.

Our Mission

To enhance community resilience and self-sufficiency to respond to change

Our Vission

We Envision Healthy Communities, Living in Dignity, in Safe and Peaceful Environments

Our Goal

To improve quality of life and social cohesion among community members in Acholi sub-region and beyond.

Core values


Youth Reached

Our impacts on the ground…


Self Help Groups

Our impacts on the ground…

House Holds

House Holds

Our impacts on the ground…

HIV Clients

HIV Clients Reahed

Our impacts on the ground…


Children Reached

Our impacts on the ground…

Meet Our Board of Directors

Mr. Luwa John Charles

Executive Chairperson Board

Profession: Statistian, Educationist, Planner 

Rev Lukwiya Pamela

Rev. Lukwiya Pamela

Executive Vise Chairperson Board

Profession: Priest, Educationist 

Amony Cynthia Agnes

M/s. Amony Cynthia Agnes

Executive Treasurer

Profession: Finance and Administration

M/s. Harriet Olanya

Executive Secretary

Profession: Law/ Advocate, Human Rights Activist

Mr. Palagen Paul Ocen

Executive Board Member

Profession: Social Worker

Our Registration

With statutory changes within the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the coming into force of the National NGO Law 2016, the National Bureau of Non-Governmental Organizations was established and what followed was a requirement by the Bureau for all NGOs and CBOs to re-register. Dyere Tek (PLWA) completed the registration process as an NGO under the name of DYERE TEK ORGANIZATION (DTO) with Registration Number INDR 158955077NB NGO valid from 2nd June 2022 to 1st June 2026, along with an Operation Permit No. INDP0005077NB, permitting DTO to operate in Gulu, Omoro, Nwoya, Amuru, Kitgum, Lamwo, Agago and Pader districts and Gulu city, focusing on the key thematic areas of:


HIV/AIDS response, Sexual Reproductive Health Rights and Water and Sanitation


Integrated Community Savings and Credits Groups and Income Generation


Quality education for every child in pre-school and primary School; non-formal life skilling education for adolescents and youth


Children Protection, Gender, and Human Rights

Partnerships, Institutional Capacity Building and Organizational Development

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Join a growing movement of people around the world who are working to bring change impacts to the communities in need.

A joint support with our Donors and partners

Our Areas of Operations

DTO operates in Gulu City, Gulu, and Nwoya districts in addressing health needs, human rights, and livelihoods concerns amongst the poorest of the poor, vulnerable and marginalized populations in target locations of operation. In the next six years (2023 – 2029), DTO will expand operations to cover the districts of Amuru, Omoro, Pader, Kitgum, Lamwo and Agago, as permitted by the National NGO Bureau.