Dyere Tek Organisation


Empowering Communities, Improving Quality of Life

education program

Early learning and early primary education: building the foundations for learning

In order to build strong foundations for learning for children, DTO uses cost-effective models for early learning and pre-primary education, with a bias towards the girl child, children with disabilities and other disadvantaged children. We support the implementation of early learning models in development settings. Including early learning and school readiness in education sector plans, and an increase in the budget allocation for early learning of at least 5 per cent would make a huge difference for children in the region. DTO advocates with community development partners to achieve these goals.

In school and learning:

In Acholi sub-region, one of the biggest educational challenges during the on-going COVID-19 pandemic era, and with post-conflict economic hardships faced by rural families, is the declining number of children who move onto secondary education after primary school. DTO works community Self Help Groups and education stakeholders to encourage secondary education and support the transition from primary to secondary education, especially for girls and children with disabilities. Quality inclusive education, and adoption of positive attitudes and social norms toward girls’ education and inclusive education will contribute to equipping adolescents with relevant skills and knowledge for work and life in the 21st century.

Learning for children who are out of school:

DTO satisfies that there is crucial need to provide alternative education solutions to equip children who are not attending school with relevant skills and knowledge. We work to provide out-of-school children with education options and alternative pathways that enable transfer to formal education. We provide life skills trainings to out-of-school adolescent girls and youth from poor households to empower them to make meaningful life choices and live healthy and decent lives.

Water, sanitation, and hygiene in schools:

We work with partners to strengthen collaboration between the education and WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) interventions to efficiently and effectively improve water and sanitation solutions in schools, including linkages to school health and strengthening of the school curriculum.

Our Areas of Operations

DTO operates in Gulu City, Gulu, and Nwoya districts in addressing health needs, human rights, and livelihoods concerns amongst the poorest of the poor, vulnerable and marginalized populations in target locations of operation. In the next six years (2023 – 2029), DTO will expand operations to cover the districts of Amuru, Omoro, Pader, Kitgum, Lamwo and Agago, as permitted by the National NGO Bureau.