Dyere Tek Organisation


Empowering Communities, Improving Quality of Life

Partnership Capacity Building and Institutional Development

The work we do is deeply rooted in our unique partnership with the communities serve taking leadership of the work; we provide guidance and capacity support. They are known to us as People Institutions (PIs) recognizing that they are not beneficiaries to us, but we view them as true partners leading the change they desire. The PIs include Children’s Groups in the community and schools, women’s Self-Help Groups (SHGs) at the household level, addressing household and relationship needs; women’s Cluster Level Associations (CLAs) who are addressing community level issues such as unclean and unsafe water points; and the women’s Federation whose raise issues at Policy Levels of sub-counties and districts.

(SHGs) at the household level, addressing household and relationship needs; women’s Cluster Level Associations (CLAs) who are addressing community level issues such as unclean and unsafe water points; and the women’s Federation whose raise issues at Policy Levels of sub-counties and districts.

Our SHG Approach is based on the belief and principle of helping people help themselves, recognizing the value that even the poorest persons among the poor can be supported to unleash their own potential and greatly improve their quality of life based on their own visioning and self-leadership for change.

While we train the community structures – the PIs – to lead their own development, the organizational team of staff, management and members of the Board of Directors and of Trustees are regularly engaged in knowledge and skills development trainings to improve the organization’s technical, leadership, management and governance outlook as we with other partners to achieve durable solutions and create lasting impact.

In order to do so perfectly, we assess ourselves to evaluate current situations of our systems, assets, resources, and capacities and those of the community PIs.

We do that identify gaps in individuals’ performance, and in the organization’s systems, policies and tools, then design implementable interventions, and work with all levels of the organization and partners to maintain and sustain the momentum of change.

Our Areas of Operations

DTO operates in Gulu City, Gulu, and Nwoya districts in addressing health needs, human rights, and livelihoods concerns amongst the poorest of the poor, vulnerable and marginalized populations in target locations of operation. In the next six years (2023 – 2029), DTO will expand operations to cover the districts of Amuru, Omoro, Pader, Kitgum, Lamwo and Agago, as permitted by the National NGO Bureau.